Our Email Marketing Process
Our Email marketing process allows us to create a campaign that is specifically built with your business goals in mind.
first step should be do Research of client’s business, website, and competitors in order to provide clear documentation to be used throughout all other stages of the project.
Project Brief
Try to gather as much relevant information about your audience as you can from your email signup form. Some examples of information you might want to ask for include title, company, and location. Only ask for information that you will actually use to segment your email campaigns, as asking for too much information can decrease your rate of email signup.
Create a comprehensive Email Marketing strategy and project plan that clearly outlines deliverables and measurable business goals
Analyze Goals & Objectives
Whether you are supplying an informational resource or marketing a product, a single focus must be decided upon in order to grab your recipients’ attention and direct them towards your desired action. Too many different calls to action and pieces of unrelated content can cause users to stray from accomplishing the intended goal of an email.
Measurement Planning
Document measurable short-term and long-term goals to evaluate campaign performance
Email Design
We design and structure your emails to cater towards your goals and your audience. Through careful placement of strong calls to action and supporting images.
The goal of an email is to trigger clicks and drive traffic to your site. Once there, it is important to fulfill subscribers’ expectations and complete your conversion with the use of a landing page that reflects elements of the email to make for a consistent user experience with the campaign as a whole.
Monitor and adjust campaigns based on the performance of keywords, landing pages, and ad copy
Short-Term Adjustments
Change bids, ads, and landing pages based on short term performance indicators (daily or every few days)
Campaign Adjustments
Make global changes to the campaign based on trends that are identified over time (weekly or biweekly)
Analysis & Reporting
Provide regular reporting that includes analysis of campaign performance, KPIs, and goal tracking and adjust project plan based on results
Monthly Performance Report
Document current standing of goals, campaign metrics, tasks completed, and plan for the following month
Quarterly Review
Comprehensive overview of campaign and adjustments to the project plan based on the results achieved